Belief in - 

(a) The Trinity as revealed in Scripture, one God who is three persons in one - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

(b) The true humanity and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

(c) The person and deity of the Holy Spirit, who lives in and empowers all believers.

(d) The Bible as the inspired Word of God and the Church’s only authority in matters of faith, doctrine and practice.

(e) The death of Jesus Christ on the cross as the only atonement for sin and His physical resurrection from the dead, breaking the power of sin forever.

(f) The personal return of Jesus Christ to this world and the resurrection of the dead.

(g) Salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone, made possible by the grace of God.

(h) The existence of satan - the evil one who is the enemy of Christ and His Church and is overcome only by the power of Christ

(i) Baptism by a believer and by immersion as the only Scriptural form of baptism and the command of Christ for all believers.